About Us

The SPI Brazil is a collaboration between the Amazon Institute for Man and the Environment (Imazon), the Avina Foundation, the Amazon Entrepreneurship Center, the Amazonia 2030 initiative, Anattá - Research and Development, and the Social Progress Imperative. SPI Brazil also received support from specialists in various areas, who provided guidance in the construction of a framework of indicators for calculating the index for the country. The index will be updated annually, focusing on measuring real results in social progress, not just investments, to assess whether the basic needs of the population are being met.

Meet the team behind SPI Brazil:

General coordination: Beto Veríssimo and Melissa Wilm

Associate coordinators: Marcelo Mosaner, Sérgio Marangoni and Luana Coelho.

Technical coordination: Daniel Santos and Paulo Seifer.

Technical team: Agatha Vilhena, Roberta Albuquerque, Caique Silva and Ricardo Veríssimo.

Collaborators: Kim Campos, Ritaumaria Pereira, Jakeline Pereira and Manuele Lima.

Communication: Alexandre Mansur and Gustavo Nascimento.

Special thanks to: Flávia Constant, Lívia Zandonadi, and Letícia Verona (Vale), Carla Chiamareli, Ana Inoue, and Raquel Nonato (Fundação Itaú), Maria Netto (Instituto Soberania e Clima - iCS), Marcelo Furtado (Instituto Itaúsa), João Alegria, Marcelo Bentes, and Rosalina Soares (Fundação Roberto Marinho), Cássia Christie and Bruna de Alencar (O Mundo que Queremos), Caetano Scanavino, Luana Arantes, Fernanda Folster de Paula, Cynthia Oyakawa, and Jussara Batista (Projeto Saúde e Alegria), Rui Rocha (Instituto Floresta Viva), Maria Laura Louzada (NUPENS - Universidade de São Paulo - USP), Melina Risso, Robert Muggah, and Ilona Szabó (Instituto Igarapé), Julio Pedrassoli, Mayumi Hirye, Júlia Cansado and Tasso Azevedo (Mapbiomas), Raphael Medeiros (Centro de Empreendedorismo da Amazônia), Ricardo Abramovay and Carlos Monteiro (Universidade de São Paulo - USP), Miguel Lago and Rudi Rocha (Instituto de Estudos para Políticas de Saúde - IEPS), Ricardo Chaves (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE), Ubiratan Cazetta (Ministério Público Federal), Breno Freitas (Universidade do Ceará - UFC), Arthur Leardini (Not Another Boring Company), Isaque Borges (Borgesoft), Flávio Hartmann (Columbia University, USA), Fernanda da Costa (Imazon), Sandro Holanda (Federal University of Sergipe - UFS), Daniele Orofino (Nossas Organization), Marisa Moreira Salles, Tomás Avim, Eliana Silva, Ricardo Balestri and Paulo Saldiva (Bei Institute), Ricardo Batista and Cássio França (Gife), Devam Bhaskar (Alok Institute), Tereza Campello and Nabil Kadri (BNDS), Ricardo Paes de Barros (Insper), Franklin Murillo, Luke Greeves, Valeria Horton, Michael Green and Jaime Garcia (Social Progress Imperative), Binho Marques (Education Consultant), Roberto Smeraldi (Consultant and Chef), Zeca Martins (Entrepreneur), Marina Helou (State Representative, São Paulo), José Carlos Gomes, Ricardo Barcellos, Adnan Demarchi (Public Management Consultant), and Rodrigo Bandeira.

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In collaboration with:

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